Thursday, June 11, 2009

311: Keeping it Real, Focused and Positive

In the past few years there have been a ton of bands from the early 90's who have reunited or re-booted their careers, some for better and some for worse! 311 has not lost any band members, did not break up and they don't flat out hate each other!

Since hitting the scene 19 years ago 311 have kept their focus on two things: positivity and unity! "We really love the music making process...the 19 years have just floated by. I guess being together for this long is quite an accomplishment vocalist/guitarist Nick Hexum states matter of factly." "Our first priority is the music, making good music. That's the glue that holds us together...we also do our best to keep communicating with each other. Once communication between band members breaks down that's it, they are finished...our ability to communicate and our focus keeps us from becoming a dysfunctional family." Make no mistake, in a society of insane reality TV where being the bad guy is a good thing and American Idol cookie cutter performers, 311 are a bit of an oddity, and that just might be a good thing. When asked to describe what keeps him inspired to make music with his band, Nick casually states, "you have to keep nurturing your inner music fan...I'm always thirsty for new music. That kind of spirit inspires me to want to create. The moment making music turns into a job you are screwed! You have to keep nurturing that Jr. High kid in you...the kid that always wants to hear new music...making music for me is a never ending journey and that kind of mindset really keeps things exciting."

The "journey" that Nick explains certainly includes the 311 fan base. The band could possibly be described as the Grateful Dead of alternative rock and not just because both bands share a love for a certian "herb". Their fans follow them from town to town and they can sell out a summer tour without releasing a disc (311's latest disc Uplifter will be out June 2nd)! When asked how the band has been able to have such a deep connection with their fans, Hexum breathes a heavy sigh and states humbly, "I think it has just come from the positive nature of the band and the positive nature of the shows. We really try to get the audience into our shows...I mean we take this seriously...everybody practices their instruments and their parts on their own...we want to make sure we can be the best players we can be and put on the best show" Hexum pauses for a bit and then adds, "Another aspect of this is the audience...when we sound check it's boring because there is no audience...sound check is like just a soliloquy. The actual show is an ongoing conversation with our audience and we feed off that energy...that's how the bond has been this point our fans don't see 311 as just a band...for them coming to our shows is a way of like a belief system." This bond between the band and its fans led to a ton of scrutiny about just where the name "311" came from. The numbers are actually the police code for indecent exposure (a band member was caught literally, with his pants down in public). Early in their career a rumor spread that the numbers symbolized an allegiance to the Ku Klux Klan (K is the 11th letter in the alphabet). Hexum and the band vehemently denied this rumor. "How anyone could think that a multi-ethnic rock/rap/reggae band would be down with the Klan was just insane!" The scrutiny ended up paying off for the band and established a sort of holiday for the group. Hexum explains, "I think about fifteen years ago we played a show in New Orleans on the 11th of March. Everyone started to assume that, that was where the name came from. We thought maybe it might be cool to do come to New Orleans every year on this date and play a big just became this huge thing...every year the show got bigger and bigger. All of our fans would hit New Orleans and literally take the place over...its's become a cultural phenomenon!"

The unity between the group and their fans finds its way easily into their lyrics and while 311 is not an overtly political band, Hexum has lent his name to a few causes. In 2004 Nick and his brother went on a tour to support then Presidential candidate John Kerry. It was on this tour Hexum had to make a speech right after a young senator from Chicago with a funny name; Barrack Obama! "Yeah it was nuts. In 2004 I did this tour with my brother to raise awareness about a few issues during the election on behalf of the Kerry campaign. I had to make a speech at one of the stops and at the time, Senator now President Obama spoke before was rough! I think I started my speech by saying no one should have to follow that guy!! I got a chance to talk to him afterwards and while I had no idea four years later he would become our next President I did know at the time that he was what the country needed." When asked if this past election inspired him Hexum replies enthusiastically, "yeah it really did! The election was a great moment to see...I had become estranged from my country for a while so it was great to see it happen...I mean I am involved in politics and some issues but 311 over all is a non-political band...we don't want to alienate anyone. All races, ages, are invited to the party...we honestly believe that music is a universal language...we have a song on our new disc that has a line in it where we say a song could end a war. It may sound a bit hokey but we really believe that, and that spirit of unity is what 311 is all about, not focusing on the charts...our fans truly believe we are a philosophy and a way of life. This keeps us positive and focused on the big picture of making music."

Hexum sounds excited and he has reason to be. His band has their latest disc "Uplifter" their first in four years dropping soon, they are heading out on tour this summer and Hexum is gearing up to be a father for the first time! "This is something I wanted to do...I feel like I have babies being born all around me so I have been picking peoples brains about being a dad...for me this really brings about a new sense of purpose...I'm very excited!"

Excitement, focus and unity! These are the things that have kept 311 together. In a music business where the skinny jeans, a dashing hairdo or a three panel judge can make or break you 311 rely on a positive vibe and their conversation with their fans to keep them's a welcome breath of fresh air indeed, let's hope the journey and positivity keeps on pushing forward.

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